
In the world of programming, every language has its strengths and weaknesses. Python, known for its simplicity and readability, has dominated various domains such as web development, data analysis, and artificial intelligence. On the other hand, Rust, with its emphasis on safety and performance, has gained popularity in systems programming and high-performance computing. Combining the strengths of both languages can lead to powerful and efficient solutions. In this article, we’ll explore how to harness the capabilities of Python and Rust together, enabling seamless integration and unlocking new possibilities for developers.

Why Python and Rust?

Python is renowned for its rapid development cycle and vast ecosystem of libraries. However, its interpreted nature can sometimes result in performance bottlenecks, especially for computationally intensive tasks. Rust, with its emphasis on memory safety and zero-cost abstractions, offers a compelling solution to this problem. By leveraging Rust’s performance benefits, developers can enhance the performance-critical parts of their Python applications without sacrificing the ease of development provided by Python.

How to Integrate Python with Rust

Integrating Python with Rust opens up a world of possibilities, combining the ease of development and extensive libraries of Python with the safety and performance benefits of Rust.

Using Python’s Foreign Function Interface (FFI)

Python’s FFI allows calling functions from dynamic libraries. Rust can compile to a dynamic library that can be loaded and called from Python using ctypes or cffi modules. This method provides a straightforward way to integrate Rust code into existing Python projects.

Install using pip.

pip install cffi

Let’s try a simple First, let’s start of with the Python code.

from cffi import FFI

ffi = FFI()

# Open the shared object or dylib file
lib = ffi.dlopen("./")

# Define the callable C interface
ffi.cdef("void hello_world();")

# Invoke the lib function

Now, let’s take a look at the Rust code.

#![crate_type = "dylib"]

pub extern fn hello_world() {
    println!("Hello world!");

Let’s compile the Rust code.


Finally, let’s execute our python script.


Hello world!

Building Python Extensions with Rust

Python’s C API enables developers to create C extensions for Python. Rust can interface with C code seamlessly, allowing developers to write Python extensions directly in Rust. Tools like PyO3 provide a Rust binding for the Python C API, simplifying the process of building Python extensions in Rust.

Developing Python Packages with Rust

For projects that require standalone executables or shared libraries, developers can use Rust to create Python packages directly. Tools like setuptools-rust facilitate the integration of Rust code into Python packages, enabling distribution via PyPI and seamless installation using pip.

Best Practices for Python and Rust

Integrating Python with Rust offers a powerful synergy, but it’s essential to follow best practices to ensure smooth collaboration between these two languages.

Start Small

Begin by identifying performance-critical sections of your Python codebase that could benefit from optimization using Rust. Start with small, well-defined tasks to gain familiarity with the integration process.

Design Clear Interfaces

Define clear interfaces between your Python and Rust code to promote modularity and maintainability. Use data serialization formats like JSON or Protocol Buffers for inter-process communication.

Error Handling and Safety

Rust’s strong emphasis on safety and error handling complements Python’s dynamic nature. Handle errors gracefully at the language boundary to ensure robustness and reliability.

Performance Profiling

Use profiling tools like cProfile to identify performance bottlenecks in your code. Optimize hotspots by rewriting them in Rust and measuring performance improvements.

Documentation and Testing

Document your integration points thoroughly to aid understanding and collaboration. Write comprehensive tests to ensure the correctness and stability of your integrated Python and Rust code.

Case Study

TensorFlow Serving with Rust Acceleration TensorFlow Serving, an open-source serving system for machine learning models, leverages Python for flexibility and ease of use. However, serving high-throughput inference requests can be computationally intensive. By integrating Rust-based accelerators for critical operations, TensorFlow Serving achieves significant performance improvements while maintaining compatibility with existing Python workflows.


Python and Rust are powerful languages in their own right, each with unique strengths. By combining the strengths of both languages, developers can create high-performance, scalable, and maintainable software solutions. Whether through Python extensions, standalone packages, or inter-process communication, integrating Python with Rust opens up a world of possibilities for developers. Embrace the best practices outlined in this article to unlock the full potential of Python and Rust working hand in hand.


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