Overview | IndexGodLikeMouse AJAX JavaScript Framework 2.5

JavaScript Elements
GLM.AJAXClass for performing AJAX. Developer Note: .NET WebService Methods must be tagged with [SoapRpcMethod, WebMethod] for parameters to be passed using Mozilla based browsers.
GLM.AJAX.callPage( url, callbackFunction, method, args, async )Method for calling a page using AJAX.
GLM.AJAX.callService( serviceUrl, soapMethod, callbackFunction, param1, param2 ... paramN )Method for calling a webservice using AJAX.
GLM.AJAX.getNameSpace()Method for returning the name space of the service call.
GLM.AJAX.onError()Method for handling ajax errors.
GLM.AJAX.setNameSpace( ns )Method for setting the name space of the service call.
GLM.Collection.MapMap class for holding key value pairs.
GLM.Collection.Map.contains( key )Method for determining if the map contains a specific key.
GLM.Collection.Map.get( key )Method for returning the value associated with a key.
GLM.Collection.Map.length()Method for returning the count of items in the map.
GLM.Collection.Map.put( key, value )Method for storing an associated key value.
GLM.Collection.Map.remove( key )Method for removing a key value pair by key name.
GLM.DOM.isInternetExplorerBoolean variable for determining if the client browser is Internet Explorer.
GLM.DOM.isMozillaBoolean variable for determining if the client browser is Mozilla.
GLM.DOM.isOperaBoolean variable for determining if the client browser is Opera.
GLM.DOM.isSafariBoolean variable for determining if the client browser is Safari.

Overview | IndexGodLikeMouse AJAX JavaScript Framework 2.5